Welcome to my world of clay, yarn, kid and cats. I have a potterystudio in Lunden, Göteborg where you can shop my ceramics. The yarnthing is just for fun, but I plan to share some patterns eventuelly! Feel free to Contact me: annimia77@gmail.com

måndag 10 augusti 2015


There are always things in life that can get better, but for now it’s as good as it gets! Can you believe that this is OUR porch in OUR house??!! Honestly, I can just barely grasp it. I’ve lived in appartmentflats all my life, it’s ok, this is Sweden, a most people do when living in the cities. The last one didn’t have a balcony even, but did have a spectacular view, and selling it was just the perfect timing so the prize we paid for the house suddenly was reasonable instead of a bit too much…

The bad thing is that the ceramicstudio is too far away considering I have a fulltimejob as a son, For now, I just have accepted the fact that I can’t do everything and just made the once unthinkable decision to put my potterystuff on pause. AND IT FEELS WONDERFUL! Who would know. Martin and Melvin has been away for some days leaving me home alone, and I’ve been finishing up in the studio, using up my last bits of clay and at the same time coming to terms with this. It’s almost been like a farewellweekend. I have a lot of cleaning, sorting and finishing to do until I can leave it, not to mention finding someone willing to take over the contract, but still. I have a lot of pieces on sale now, so if you’re in Göteborg it’s well worth a visit. (No red items or items with skulls.)
It’s in Swedish, but here are the prices during my clearence…

This will give me more time for the yarn- and textileprojects. Lovely! And along with new computer (in our big house we can finally fit two computers – or ten for that matters. I now have my own) and new smartphone with better camera I can finally update this blog more easily, and start with my patternwriting. I sold a lot of knitted and crochet stuff a few years ago, and have kept the patterndrafts of everything, just need to make them more easy to read for everyone and with yarns that actually exists in shops today… 
My latest projects are amigurumis, with a three-yearold I suddenly realized that he has friends who needs birthdaypresents, so I’m stocking up. Here’s the latest cutie:
It’s from this amazing book:
This is my absolutely favorite amigurumibook ever. Easy instructions but still a lot of details and supercute projects! Also perfect for the beginner as the projects starts as very easy and becomes more and more difficult with each project, ending with the girl to the right.

söndag 4 januari 2015

Kiddy Cowl

Well, here's my first officially published pattern! Unfortunately only in Swedish for the time being as my stressed-out brain couldn't gather enough power to manage the instructions for the increases in English. Hopefully the power will be recharged soon...
Please tell me if you tried it out, would love to see pics of it (prefereably on my Facebook-page: Annimia), and whether the pattern was understandable at all or not. 
I love the Red Heart yarn, it's lovely and soft and a great price, but not very common in Sweden. In fact, I found it in the thriftiest of Swedish thriftstores, Ullared. Couldn't believe my eyes, that place is not really famous for qualitybrands (not sure if Red Heart is real quality though, but since there are tons of patterns using their yarns, it can't really suck, can it?).  
The buying-a-house-selling-appartment-thing is really exhausting (but in a lovely kind of way), and trying to make Melvin (our soon three-year old) having fun at the same time is a bit of a challange (and to find time to knit in between). 

Krage för barn, upp till ca 4 år

Garn: Red heart Soft (100 % akryl, väldigt mjukt!)
16 m/10 cm med stickor nr 6

Lägg upp 52 maskor fördelat på tre strumpstickor. (18, 18,16 till exempel.)
Sticka resår 1 rät, 1 avig i 20 varv.


Nu är det dags för slätstickning och 4 parökningar på vartannat varv.

: en ökning med högerlut, en vanlig rätstickad maska och en ökning med vänsterlut.
Ökning med högerlut:
Ta upp tråden mellan 2 av föregående varvs maskor. Vrid tråden åt höger och sätt den yttersta maskan på vänster stickan. Sticka den lyfta tråden rätt.
Ökning med vänsterlut:
Ta upp en tråd mellan två föregående varvs maskor. Vrid tråden åt vänster och sätt den utanför yttersta maskan på vänsterstickan. Sticka en den lyfta tråden rätt, men genom den bakre delen av tråden.


Sätt ut fyra stickmarkörer efter maska nr 6, 19, 32 och 45.

Varv 1: Sticka räta maskor fram till markören, gör en ökning med högerlut, lyft över markören, sticka en maska rätt och gör en ökning med vänsterlut. Fortsätt varvet ut. (Totalt ökas det 8 maskor)

Varv 2: Sticka alla maskor rätt. Lyft över varje markör efterhand du kommer till dem.

Upprepa dessa två varv 6 gånger och avsluta med ett till varv 1, totalt 7 ökningsvarv.


Nu kan du ta bort stickmarkörerna och avsluta med 4 varv resårstickning: 1 rät, 1 avig. Maska av löst.


Lycka till hälsningar Maria

Detta är ett Annimia-mönster. Du får hemskt gärna använda det till privat bruk, men kopierar du det till försäljning eller säljer den färdiga produkten kommersiellt har du kass konsthantverksmoral och dålig fantasi som inte kan hitta på något eget och tar åt dig äran för något du själv inte kommit på.